acne bootcamp

Do you struggle with acne?

Have you tried everything but nothing has delivered the results you hoped for? Are you tired of feeling insecure in your own skin? Are you wanting to heal your acne naturally without the use of harsh prescriptions and medications?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions, then our Acne Bootcamp Program is for you! With a 90% success rate among our clients, you can achieve clear skin within 3-6 months of following our program. Our unique Acne Bootcamp program will heal your skin from the inside out with a customized homecare regimen and treatment plan for your specific needs. Additionally, you’ll have access to one-on-one coaching + support from me, your certified acne expert, & holistic lifestyle guidance to help you get to the root cause of your acne so you can stay clear.

So. . . How can you get started on your journey to clear skin??

I’m ready to clear my skin!

Book a Consultation

To start off, book your initial Acne Bootcamp consultation (starting at $100) either in person or virtually. Through this consultation we will address your acne type/severity, lifestyle factors, and medical history. You will be provided with a take home acne guide equipped with all the education and information you will need to achieve clear skin.

Purchase Skincare

Upon completing your consultation and skin evaluation, a homecare regimen will be recommended for you to purchase ($180-$200). This will included in-debt and easy to follow directions. Purchasing skincare is mandatory for Acne Bootcamp clients because it is vital to the success of our program.

Book Your Treatments

For the next 3-6 months you will be encouraged to return bi-weekly for routine evaluations and treatments ($99) During this time, we will reevaluate your home care routine and adjust your products and/or treatments as needed. You will receive an acne treatment that will include a deep pore cleanse, a no-downtime chemical peel, thorough extractions, and LED light therapy. Bi-weekly treatments/check- ins are crucial to your skin’s overall progress.

Graduation & Staying Clear

All clients who achieve clear skin after staying committed to the Acne Bootcamp program will receive a complimentary gift in celebration! Once clear skin is achieved, bi-weekly appointments are no longer needed. However, monthly maintenance treatments are still highly encouraged!